Tag Archives for server colocation

Today’s Futures Trader

October 2012 By Iqbal Brainch Chief Marketing Officer Advantage Futures   Electronic trading transformed the futures industry over the past decade. The players have adapted and evolved to suit the new technological landscape.  How have open outcry traders made the leap to a world of

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Our Explosive Growth of Futures Trading from Dubai

October 2012 Q: There seems to be a significant increase in Advantage Futures business coming out of Dubai. Any thoughts on reasons behind this? A: here are significant regulations in Dubai that provide a tax favorable environment for traders to conduct business there. More recently, with

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Commision Calculator
  • Advantage Futures (Loop)

    141 W. Jackson Blvd.
    Suite 3900
    Chicago, IL 60604


  • Downers Grove Trading Facility

    1501 W. Warren Ave.
    Downers Grove, IL 60515


Secured By miniOrange