OnixS builds and maintains high performance software development kits (SDK’s) offering low latency direct market access (DMA) components for use in integrating trading application processing with Exchanges, liquidity pools, routing networks and brokers. Uses include algorithmic trading, risk, compliance trade surveillance and analytics.
The key benefits are that OnixS DMA SDK’s save you time and money in the integration development, save you time getting into production live trading, and reduce ongoing maintenance overheads in staying up to date with venue API changes.
The OnixS directConnect products support CME Globex, ICE, Cboe CFE and Eurex T7 venue specific market data feeds, order entry API, and post trade Drop Copy, Straight Through Processing (STP), and Trade Capture APIs with granular licensing of individual SDKs or bundles of multiple venue APIs.
Like all OnixS products the OnixS directConnect SDKs include well-documented programming guides, reference code and full support which includes maintenance for changes a venue may make to its API. This API update service level commitment means that your OnixS SDK’s will always be kept up to date. Each of the OnixS libraries are calibrated, certified and tested to assure you have full access to all features exposed by a venue.
For those FIX Protocol standards based messaging requirements OnixS offers a range of FIX Engine SDK’s. The OnixS FIX Engine SDKs are lightweight, high performance libraries and like the OnixS directConnect products are available on multiple platform implementations including Java, .NET Framework, .NET Core, and C++ code bases supported on Windows, macOS, and Linux.
The standard OnixS SDK distribution packages include ready to run getting started fast-start source code sample reference implementations covering using market data APIs, order entry trading clients, and benchmarking tools for testing on your own machine and in your own target deployment environment(s).
You can request an evaluation download for any OnixS FIX Engine or OnixS directConnect venue specific solution here.
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For a detailed listing of the prices associated with Onixs, please contact an Advantage Futures sales representative with any questions at 312.800.7000, or email us at ContactUs@advantagefutures.com.