Inside Advantage Winter 2018

The Advantage Futures quarterly magazine provides informative articles on top industry news and developments, as well as Advantage Futures updates, seminar recaps, and upcoming events. View the latest issues by clicking the related links below, and receive your own copy by signing up for Advantage News.

Colocating Your Servers with Advantage Futures

Q & A with Terry Duffy, Senior Vice President, Business Development

August 2015 Terry Duffy, Senior Vice President, Business Development at Advantage Futures, offers insight on server colocation and how Advantage can assist. Question: Please provide a brief overview of what server colocation is and what it can do for traders. TJD: Colocation allows you to host

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Is Pro Rata an Accident Waiting to Happen?

Special Report by Ginger Szala

 June 2015 The New Year surprise happened fast: the Swiss National Bank announced on January 15 that the Swiss Franc would no longer be capped by the Euro and it jumped 41% in minutes. This black swan event happened just before a U.S. holiday when

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The Trading Floors Are Not Closing, Only the Futures Pits!

By Mike McLaughlin, President, Institutional Sales, Advantage Futures

June 2015 My interview for a position at Merrill Lynch on the trading floor of the Chicago Mercantile Exchange took place in a smokers’ break room. A hurried Merrill Lynch filling broker with a raspy voice and a mustache somewhat out of date for 1986 asked

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All Eyes on the Fed

By Joseph M. Guinan, Jr., Chairman, Chief Executive Officer Advantage Futures

February 2015 The Fed’s seven year experiment with a zero interest rate policy, magnified by the added stimulus of multiple Quantitative Easing programs as well as Operation Twist, has market participants focused ever more intently on our revered central bank. How will they remove the

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