Inside Advantage Winter 2018

The Advantage Futures quarterly magazine provides informative articles on top industry news and developments, as well as Advantage Futures updates, seminar recaps, and upcoming events. View the latest issues by clicking the related links below, and receive your own copy by signing up for Advantage News.

Outlook 2012: Global Markets

A Special Report from David Hightower, Principal at the Hightower Report

March 2012 Toward the end of 2010, the markets were generally expecting the World economy to regain momentum and recover into 2011, as the drag of the U.S. sub-prime crisis was largely thought to be dissipating. However, by the end of 2011, most markets seemed

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Advantage Futures CEO Emphasizes Financial Strength

A note from Advantage Futures CEO Joe Guinan

March 2012 Dear Valued Advantage Futures Clients: Thank you for your business and, more importantly, your trust. All of us at Advantage Futures remain committed to providing the unparalleled service you deserve while ensuring your money is properly segregated and secured, in full compliance with

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Demystifying High Frequency Trading

September 6 High frequency trading (HFT) has obviously garnered an enormous amount of press over the past few years. Though HFT in various forms has existed for over a decade, it entered the public consciousness mainly after reports of large profits earned during the financial

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All that Glitters is Gold and Silver

The Elements of Trading Gold and Silver Futures

June 2011 Strong trends, corrections, and exceptionally wide ranges have made for exciting times for gold and silver futures traders in 2011. And in silver’s case, add hyper-volatility and you have markets that are full of opportunities. From the beginning of 2011 through May 20,

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