Inside Advantage Winter 2018

The Advantage Futures quarterly magazine provides informative articles on top industry news and developments, as well as Advantage Futures updates, seminar recaps, and upcoming events. View the latest issues by clicking the related links below, and receive your own copy by signing up for Advantage News.

Energy Perspectives: The Interplay of Expanding Production, Infrastructure Bottlenecks, and Slowing Global Growth

Special Report By Blu Putnam, Chief Economist, CME Group

July 2012 The interplay of expanding production, infrastructure bottlenecks and slowing global economic growth are probably nowhere more complex than in the energy sector. Our current perspective includes several key observations: – For producers and consumers, we may be at the beginning stages of a

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Best Practices for the Trading Professional’s Personal Wealth: Becoming Financially Bilingual

Do expert trading professionals automatically make expert investors?

For building durable personal wealth — It’s like you’ve entered another country. To achieve our personal life goals, we must be patient, team-oriented investors, calm and well- reasoned. We must speak in the language of decades (or longer), measuring our growth by that which is expected to endure and thrive in our capital markets, regardless of who is winning or losing on the individual trades involved.

CME Colocation Facility

The Place To Be

April 2012 The launch of DC3 commenced in January and is now well underway heading into the second quarter. With the benefits of colocating in DC3, we are seeing an increased number of clients reserving Advantage rack space for colocation services. Advantage Futures has received

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Navigating Exchange Memberships and Incentive Programs

Did you know Advantage Futures staff can help guide you through the…

March 2012 If you are like most traders, you are focused on trading and may not have the time to fully understand all of the nuances of exchange membership guidelines and fee incentive programs. Understanding which programs or memberships make the most sense for your

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