Inside Advantage Winter 2018

The Advantage Futures quarterly magazine provides informative articles on top industry news and developments, as well as Advantage Futures updates, seminar recaps, and upcoming events. View the latest issues by clicking the related links below, and receive your own copy by signing up for Advantage News.

2015 Outlook

By Andrew Busch

February 2015 Following the Great Recession, the U.S. economy has grown at an average annual rate of 2.3 percent.  This relatively lackluster growth compared to other recoveries has also been slow to increase not only employment, but also to generate inflation in a manner markets

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Will High Frequency Trading Force a Market Redesign?

Special Report by Ginger Szala

October 2014 Notwithstanding the evident benefits of HFT in electronic markets, many market participants have argued that some HFT practitioners utilize trading techniques that are detrimental to the well-functioning of financial markets. Some of the trading techniques are spoofing, layering, and quote stuffing. Chicago Federal

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Navigating Exchange Memberships and Incentive Programs

An Interview with Margie DeLorme

October 2014 Many traders prefer to focus on trading and may not have the time to research all of the nuances of exchange membership guidelines and fee incentive programs. Understanding which programs or memberships make sense for your style of trading can be a daunting

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The Race to Zero

The Advantage Futures Information Technology Team

October 2014 Tom Guinan: Advantage Futures devotes significant resources to provide superior support for traders so they can focus on trading. In the old days, it was more out-trade and open outcry support. Today, trading is predominantly electronic. The Advantage IT Department has grown from three to seventeen full-time

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