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Weather, Crops and Trade: Instability on the Rise
Special Report by Blu Putnam, Chief Economist, CME Group El Niño is long gone; La Niña never made an appearance; and a very weak new El Niño is now struggling to gain traction. In the meantime, renegotiating the North American Free Trade Agreement (NAFTA) is a priority
Q & A with John Lothian
Advantage (Adv): Please briefly describe your background and how you entered the futures industry. John Lothian (JL): I started as a 17 year-old driving a soybean pit trader and broker from Wisconsin to Chicago every day in the summer. Tom Cashman has been a mentor
As the U.S. Monetary Policy Debate Heats Up, It’s Not Just The Fed Funds Rate In Play…
By Christopher Rodriguez and Geoffrey Sharp, Eris Exchange The last 30 years of monetary policy have been dominated by control of short rates. But with an unprecedented buildup of central bank balance sheets since the global financial crisis, central banks now have another lever and their
FCMs Still Haunted by the Past
By Ginger Szala Reprinted with permission of CTA Intelligence Like the rattling chains of Jacob Marley haunting Scrooge, the ghosts of MF Global and PFG still wander the halls at futures commission merchants today and remain alive and well in the manifested actions of