Category Archives for Uncategorized

Managing Your Execution Risk

June 2010 Standing in the Eurodollar options pit at the Chicago Mercantile Exchange, you wouldn’t think that over 90% of futures trading has moved away from open outcry to electronic execution. In fact, the CME Group recently reported that the majority of options-on-futures trading is still

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A New Way to Look at Compliance

June 2010 Lisa Jones is unique in her field. A compliance department usually conjures up negative images of the people you talk to when problems arise. Lisa, Chief Compliance Officer at Advantage Futures, is changing that perception. “Our compliance department really serves two functions. First,

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Cash U.S. Government Securities

April 2010 If Bob Dylan were a trader, he’d remind us we don’t need a weatherman to tell which way the wind blows. Now is not too soon to prepare for the eventual day when the foot of the U.S. yield curve is back in

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Building Organizational Excellence

April 2010 John Schlaefke, Chief Administrative Officer for Advantage Futures, knows how to get things done. As the point man for much of what goes on at Advantage Futures, John understands and is involved in every aspect of the business–from addressing client needs to overseeing

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