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Monetary Policy and Interest Rate Outlook 2014
January 2014 Seminar Presented November 12, 2013 While it can be difficult to predict what is to come with Monetary Policy and Interest Rates, the outlook for the next six months should be very exciting due to the change of the Chairman of the Federal
Interest Rates: Trading the Swap Spread
January 2014 Many traders think in terms of buying (selling) interest rate futures to capitalize on anticipated falling (rising) yields in response to changes in Fed policy or to dynamic macroeconomic conditions. Some take a more subtle approach by trading spreads between, for example, CBOT
Ten Years of Risk
November 2013 The last decade has been marked by transition for Advantage Futures and the futures industry: the progression from pit to screen, the shift to 24-hour markets, the move by the individual trader into trading groups, the increase in international clientele and the consolidation
Ten Years of Technology
November 2013 Wow, what a decade it has been! Futures trading volume was transitioning from open outcry to electronic screens when Advantage Futures opened for business in June 2003. Technology and connectivity options were evolving from T1s exchanges used to transport market data and order